Friday, February 24, 2012

Whooping Cough - Baby killer - It can happen

That's not a very happy title for a blog but you really need to read this.

My sisters reminded me that I needed to get vaccinated for whooping cough and so did my husband. I had heard of it by thought it was an ancient disease that no one ever got anymore. Boy was I wrong. I did some research on it and came across this blog of a someone who lost their 27 day old baby. As I hold my one month old baby I can't help think about that family and the tragedy they went through. Please read and make sure mom and dad both get vaccinated (according to my OB you can't get vaccinated while pregnant but they do it in the hospital and i made my husband go to his doc to get that and a flu shot before we came home) It could save your baby's life.

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