Does your toddler attempt to get out of their carseat??? My second child is a "wanna-be Houdini". When she was about 18 months - 2 she started to try and get out of her carseat. It was horrifying. I would look in the rear view mirror and she would have pulled the chest-bar on the carseat down and she actually yanked on it so hard that she was able to get both arms out of the chest strap. I swear I tightened it enough so she couldn't move the bar, but for some reason she always was able to pull the bar down. I told her and her older sister that the bar needs to be at armpit level and I always made sure that it was there before I started the car. Little bean learned how to unbuckle the bar. I was beside myself one time when I looked in the mirror and both arms were completely out of the car seat. I pulled over and told her not to go it again but she just laughed. I then cranked down on the car seat harness to make sure she was not doing it again. Of course, she got out again. I think I was driving home to my parents house one time and she did it on the highway. I freaked. Then I started to look online for solutions.
I came across something on a website called a "Houdini Band". It really is great. It is a piece of fabric with two buttons and you wrap it around the straps and hook the strap over the button and the child can literally NOT get out of the car seat straps. My little bean didn't mind it at first but when she realized what it was, she freaked out. She got so frustrated trying to get out of it, she gave up. Now (she is now 3), we don't have to use it anymore but I keep it in the car and if she tries, I just show it to her and ask if she wants it on or not, and the temptation to get out of the seat magically disappears!!! I have a HOUDINI NO MORE!! I owe it all to the Houdini Band.
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