Fun in the tub. They either love it or hate it. My kids, for the most part, loved it. The first few times I would see their freaked out little faces... it was sort of amusing. For me, it was a little stressful at first. My mom always told me to give them a bath every night just to get them into routine. If they are tired and not sleepy??? Give them a bath. A nice warm bath. Some people give baths in the sink... I was always too afraid. I used to cringe at my mother in law's house because she would do it in the sink and I couldn't watch because I was afraid something was going to happen. Nope, she did it perfectly and all was well.

Lots of mothers tell me that they wish they didn't register for the big plastic tub. There are alot of kinds out there... we have a blue one with a mess insert (I think it's called a bath sling) that the baby can go in when they are really little. Once they are old enough, the sling comes out and they can sit up. Of course, as my mom said, NEVER EVER EVER leave them by themselves or even take your hand off of them. They are slippery little suckers and fall over quickly.

One thing I am big on is my baby wash. I don't like Johnson & Johnson products. I think they are too harsh. I started with that, but found that my girl's skin was a little sensitive so I tried California Baby Natural & Organic Products. My kids still use their sensitive fragrance free body wash to this day.. the only soap we use. For the newborn, I'm in love with Mustela Bebe Products. They are sold at Babies R Us and at Target and of course my fav online stores. They have tons of different lotions and cleansers. My fav are the Dermo-Cleansing, Newborn Foam Shampoo, 2 in 1 Body Wash. I think at first I just put a small pea size IN the tub with them and let the suds go around them. Worked like a charm. The lotions smell super yummy. Hydra-Bebe Body Lotion is the only stuff I will put on my kid and you literally want to eat them up after you use it. So awesome to snuggle to a good smelling baby. Other products from them are the Hydra-Stick with Cold Cream for those cold days where baby has chapped skin on her cheeks. Love it!!! I don't mind splurging on this stuff and getting it online makes it super easy and you can usually find sales.

Oh and my mom always told me that the little baby should always have something in their hand to develop their motor skills so I kept an extra set of "baby car keys" next to the tub and let them hold onto to them during their bath. That way they dont' get bored!