I'm writing this entry from the waiting room at Children's Hospital. The middle bean is having her tonsils and adenoids out. I've been through this exact surgery before with the older one but it doesn't really get any easier. I know she will be fine but as a mom you never really stop worrying about them. Over the past few months this child has had several ear infections, croup, and two rounds of strep throat. We have been on several different kinds of antibiotics and the doc says it's time to get the tonsils out. They are just a breeding ground for bacteria. I'm sure the surgery will be quick but I can't wait for it to be over. Middle Bean is just two years old so once again I have to spend the night in the hospital. I had to do the same with my older one who was three when she had hers taken out. I swear that my children should come out of the womb with no tonsils, adenoids and a set of tubes in their ears.
It's kind of a crap-shoot on whether or not your child will have ear infections. Must be the way my children's ears are shaped because we get them all the time. Some say kids who bottle feed get more ear infections but I don't buy it because I know PLENTY of breast-fed children who get them all the time too. My oldest one had 6 double ear infections under the age of six months. I remember taking her outside in the cool Omaha air to get her to stop crying. I couldn't wait until she was 6 months old so I could give her Tylenol. I remember going into the pediatrician's office with a screaming child and I looked like I hadn't slept in days. Well, I really hadn't. I would give her Tylenol every 4 hours and alternate with Motrin every 6. We ended up at Children's at 6 months old to get her a set of tubes. Best decision we ever made. I was completely beside myself with worry when she went in. Now I know, its pretty routine, and it's "no big deal".
My second child was a little better, not having that many early in life although we had to deal with massive reflux issues. Her ear infections started around 8 months and we had tubes in at a year. This is why I want my third child to come OUT with tubes but unfortunately that doesn't happen. I'm sure we will go through this again. Middle Bean has had her tubes in for two years and about a month ago had one removed and replaced to hopefully stop the current ear infections. If this doesn't work, we need another set and I'm okay with that. These tonsils HAVE to come out though because she doesn't sleep well and sounds like Darth Vader. We just need to get through the next few weeks. Juggling a newborn baby and a two year old who just had throat surgery will be hard but definitely worth it.
I guess my whole point is being a new mom you never know what God is going throw at you. With my two oldest, it was ear infections. With my second it was severe reflux. She would projectile vomit her entire bottle across the room. Scream for hours... usually from 1-5, then 7-2am. We were on a few different medications but nothing really helped until one day finally when she turned 4 months old it miraculously stopped. If your baby has an issue, just know that you are not alone. I guarantee you that if you talk to your friends and neighbors, someone has been through what you are going through. I learn all of my tricks and tips from my friends, sisters and sometimes strangers.
After all, we are all in this together.
Happy Baby Thoughts
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