- Halo Swaddle Sleepsacks - I like the swaddles better than the regular ones
- Gumdrop Pacifiers by Hawaii Medical - NOT the ones found at babies r us... the ones from http://www.gumdroppacifier.com/. They are not THE FIRST YEARS ones in the store.
- Boppy Pillow - we have two - one upstairs one down - if you can , get a cover you can wash
- Snoogle Body Pillow for mom during Maternity - a must
- Fisher-Price Newborn Rock 'n Play Sleeper - love it. My newest acquisition. My daughter loves to be snuggled in there. I got a Snuzzler to go in it which I love as well. Keeps her comfy and secure.
- Moby Wrap - Some people may not get the hang of it, but once you do it's a lifesaver. Especially if you have more than one kid.
- Baby Bjorn - If you don't get a moby, get a Baby Bjorn. I'm sure you have all seen them. We have both and use them both.
- Carter's Side Snap Newborn Shirts
- Newborn Mittens
- For mom Post Partum: Belly Bandit Abdominal Binder. Must get from www.mom4life.com. Best website for Mom-Made products for maternity, post partum, baby and toddler stage.
- Baby Mittens (Yep, new babies scratch!)
- Braun Ear Thermometer
- BreathableBaby Breathable Safe Bumper
- Car Seat Mirror
- Car Seat Protector
- FP Healthy Care Booster Seat
- FP Jumperoo
- FP Ocean Wonders SeaHorse
- Good Breastpump (don't go cheap)
- Good Lightweight Stroller (6+ months) - see stroller section
- Infant Car Seat Carrier - see car seat section
- Miracle Blanket
- Original Slumber Bear
- Pack and Play
- Papasan Chair
- Snap N Go Stroller for Infant Carrier - see stroller section
- Snuzzler (NOT made for car seats) - we use it in the swing, stroller and the rock n play sleeper
I'm a mom of three littles who’s obsessed with babygear. I know that being a new parent is overwhelming. This blog walks you through the babygear choices and helps you sort out what's needed and what's not. Not just gear info but also staying afloat with baby or dealing with a crazy toddler! Motherhood is the hardest job on the planet and this is a beginner's handbook from a "Mom of Three Littles" point of view.

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