Wow. I believe it has been so long since I last posted. Things have been insane. It's already October. I last updated in August.
I managed to make it through the last few weeks of summer and Let. Me. Tell. You. That was hard. Kids are hot and tired and I'm just so ready for them to get back to school. We made a "fourth quarter" school switch for one of my kids so we ended up sending her two weeks late to her "new school". Good decision though but just getting caught up with paperwork and tomorrow is picture re-take which is for her. OOOOPs totally forgot. I hope we remember to brush her hair tomorrow. With three kids trying to get out the door, having teeth brushed and hair combed is very difficult. I have one kid on the bus in the early AM then both little ones need to be in the car and ready to drop off second, then off to speech for the second kid and on the way there, somehow I need to get the third one to school.
Today... I was reminded of what happens to your house once you add another child. You get a lot more lax. My kids had GOLDFISH for breakfast. Yep. Goldfish. And I was caught by another mom feeding the kids in their car seats one of those Costco Size Goldfish bins. The baby was drinking water on the way to school - we were running late from speech - and she totally threw up the water all over her outfit. Smelled not too nice. Soaked with water. Water came out the nose and the mouth and probably the ears! I pulled over on the side of the road, cars zipping buy, quick changed the baby and put on her "spare set" of clothes from her school bag. People were probably staring. Got her dried off, gave her the old 1-2 wipe from a baby wipe and she was good as new. Threw my car into the school parking lot and a friend of mine was running out with her "third child - I'm always late look" and started laughing...... because my door was open and both kids were eating out of a giant GoldFish box. She laughed and said "yep... I've done that. That your breakfast, girls???? Don't worry, I won't tell your dad."
Truthfully, I probably WOULD NOT have done that with my first child. I would have taken her home. Or actually I would not have given her an open bottle of Dasani at 20 months of age in her car seat. We would have had a nice sit down breakfast... got her in her nice Gymboree or Janie and Jack outfit with matching tights and hair bows and took her to school at least 10 minutes early. Poor mini bean... always getting the shaft. And of course I had to leave the middle one in the car because we were running late to dropping her off and she was having fun eating her giant box of GoldFish (don't worry mom, my friend stayed with her - I didn't leave her alone).
The things we do with the third child. Another thing is BEDTIME!!! Do you remember bedtime with your first child? I remember my good friend who has one son my oldest age, used to tell me it would take her at least 90 minutes to put her kid to bed at that age.... even for naps. You would pick out three or four or five books from their "age appropriate book box" that they have next to their rocker and rock them and read the books. Over and over. They would snuggle and sing. I remember doing that with my first. We had the best time. With the second... it was a little different. It was less books because you were arguing with the first one to get into bed and brush her teeth and make sure she had underpants on and didn't go to bed naked.
Now.... onto the third. Poor mini bean. It's literally a 60 second process. I'm busy running in and out of kids rooms.. yelling about homework and reading charts and brushing teeth. The 7yo is refusing to brush her teeth and the 4yo can't find her pajamas. The baby bean is just staring at you crying because she can't get up onto the middle ones bed. You are PRAYING that your husband comes home.. but since he is not home now, you are PRAYING that he doesn't come home in the next 10 minutes because he will have UNDONE everything that you have just done in the last hour. The kids will scream and jump from their bed and try to jump the baby gate and get down to him. So.... to free a hand you put the youngest one down probably when she doesn't need it and kiss her goodnight. Tell her how wonderful she is and thank her for behaving. Off she goes into the crib and you cover her and close the door. Done. SIXTY SECONDS. That's it. Poor little one once again. I thank God every day that my third is so sweet. Sometimes I think she is going to look up at me and say "Mom.. don't worry, I got it. I'm just going to roll with it because you have your handful".
The third doesn't cry. Doesn't whine. Doesn't beg. Doesn't scream. She just goes with the flow and tries to make Mom's life a bit easier.
For now. Talk to me in 10 years when all my kids are in high school.
More later. Can't wait to share with you our DISNEY EXPERIENCE!!!!